About Us
About Us
Physio-Answers Physiotherapy was opened in Leyton 16 years ago by the current owner and principal practitioner Ann Petherbridge.
Over the next few years Physio-Answers opened branches in Lewisham and Southend-On-Sea with the aim to provide the most effective and individual treatment programme for each and every one of their patients using a holistic approach and a focus on hands on treatment techniques.
We have an expert team of physios and each practitioner brings their unique experience and specialist skills to the practice. (See their individual profiles for further details.)
Our Admin team are also passionate about helping people recover from their pain and injuries and will do their best to help you throughout your journey through the practice.

Why Choose A Private Physiotherapist?
If you don’t have health insurance why pay private physiotherapy prices when you could get free treatment through the NHS?
Have you considered the true cost of NHS treatment? There is increasing pressure on NHS services with subsequent increases in waiting times especially for ‘non-urgent’ services like physiotherapy and a reduction in the more expensive experienced clinicians. After getting the appointment with your GP you may wait months for your first NHS physiotherapy treatment. Patients’ experience at that stage is then usually receiving a sheet of exercises. There is rarely any ‘hands on’ physiotherapy provided or the possibility of regular follow ups.
The alternative is an immediate appointment at one of our private physiotherapy clinics where the true cost may not be as much as you think once you consider:
The Speed of Physiotherapy Treatment
Off work? Worried about your job? Unable to go to the gym you are paying monthly for? Losing fitness? In pain?
Do you want to wait months for an NHS referral or see us in 24-48 hours?
The quicker your condition is assessed and treated the faster and more effective your recovery. Get back to work and leisure activities as soon as possible. Reduce the chance of recurrences. Secondary problems and complications can be caused by long term pain and dysfunction. E.g. If you limp with a bad knee then eventually your back will start to hurt and The other knee will start to suffer as it takes all the strain.
After 3 months a condition officially becomes ‘chronic’ and much more difficult to treat. You may not need many sessions. Once your pain is reduced and you have the information and advice regarding your condition your recovery will begin.
All our physiotherapists are experienced in musculo- skeletal physiotherapy and some also have further post graduate qualifications in acupuncture, Pilates, fitness training and additional specialist masters degrees.
Their extensive knowledge will enable them to treat your condition efficiently and effectively.
At Physio-Answers private physiotherapy clinics we will not just give you general exercises or put you in a class. You will receive an individualised 1:1 treatment programme designed to alleviate your immediate symptoms and address the long term issues of your recovery.
All sessions are conducted in individual treatment rooms. Not behind a curtain. So providing complete privacy and confidentiality.